Seek the Truth and Set it Free
Seeking the Truth, and then realising fundamentally that reality is rooted in perception.
Save the World by Saving Yourself
What if the thing we think we’re learning isn’t at all the lesson at hand?
12 Questions to Ask your Healthcare Practitioner
12 questions you should discuss with your healthcare practitioner so you can get to know each others perspectives on important health factors, and see if your values align themselves.
Social Media and Real Life: Fake²
Is social media any faker than real life? (Spoiler: it’s not)
Soak, Sprout, Ferment, and Cook: Bioavailability Is the New Black
“You are what you eat” has been replaced with “you are what you digest”. Find out how to maximize the benefits of your plant-based foods, and minimize the dangers. Plus, 16 tips for enhancing digestion!
Healing A Broken Heart: The Power of Pain As A Gateway for Growth
Heartbreak is one of the deepest kinds of pain, and a transformative gateway that almost all humans undergo at least once in life. This article is a bit of a roadmap for ending a relationship and practical tools I have used to help heal from the darkness of an aching heart.
Tips to Tackle Anxiety and Depression Without Medication
Exploring the realms of anxiety and depression. The power of introspection and connecting with the darkness as a platform for growth.
Boundaries: Set Them. Honor Your Self.
Setting boundaries is a manifestation of self-love. Set them, honor yourself.
Information Belongs to Life
"There is no such thing as learning, there is only remembering." - Socrates
Get Naked: The Healing Power of Nudity
Someone recently asked me “what's your biggest biohack that no-one else is using?” …and without having to give it a second thought I replied: nudity.
15 Ways To Break Through a Fitness Plateau
Feeling stagnant with your progress? Read this.
Microdosing 101
Everything you wanted to know about the art of microdosing psilocybin: my protocol, how to dose, the benefits, dangers, my experience via a Q&A, and a plethora of resources to dive deeper.
What Are You Feeding Your Mind?
The body repairs and builds itself with the food you nourish it with, we’re pretty clear on that- but what about the mind?
The Caffeine Cult
Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, but how much do you know about the impact it has on the body and mind? Get comfortable, because we're taking a deep dive into the addiction everyone likes to pretend they don't have.
16 Tips for a Better Sleep
Cultivating a good night’s sleep is genuinely an art and reflects the multitude of lifestyle decisions that impact your circadian rhythm. Here are 16 ways to get a deeper, more restful, and rejuvenating sleep.
11 Tips for Holistic Oral Health
These 11 simple tips will get you started along the part of having a healthy (holistic) smile.
Knowledge vs. Wisdom
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