Pain As Information
We live in a society that typically ignores the connection between actions and reactions. Our entire medical system is based on eliminating symptoms of dis-ease instead of addressing the root cause of illness. Take a moment to genuinely understand the fundamental difference between feeling better, and being better.
As human beings, pain is the biggest way for our body to communicate with us. When we do wrong by someone, the pain of guilt is teaching us a behavioural lesson. The same goes for having a headache, a cough, insomnia, or larger manifestations of dis-ease like cancer: our body is speaking up and telling us something that we are doing is not serving our wellbeing.
Simply masking or suppressing the body’s pain does not make the pain go away. Understanding the root cause of our hardships is THE ONLY way out. Whether it be emotional, or physical- next time something does not feel good, instead of running from the pain, ask yourself why it manifested not as a punishment, but as an attempt to communicate something with you.
If you have a headache, your body is not deficient in Advil. Taking an Advil to fix a headache is a symptom suppressor. If you are hungover, taking an Advil is not curing your hangover, it is nulling your pain receptors and creating a cascade of long-term effects on the body. When your body is experiencing a fever, a cold, a cough, or a stomach ache: it is reacting to a trigger and is going through a natural process of elimination.
One of the most powerful things you can do for your health is to shift your relationship with pain. Embrace it. Every instance of pain is insight into your Self: a line of communication guiding you down a path towards achieving a thriving human body, a happy life, and a peaceful state of being.
Addressing your problems holistically means supporting your body so that it can heal itself. Your body’s natural wisdom is unfathomable, and for the most part, your biggest task is just getting out of its way.
Turkey tail mushrooms discovered on a hike through Minyon Falls in Nightcap National Park, Northern Rivers region of New South Wales, Australia.