Life is Fluid
As humans, and especially in today’s society- we seem to have this idea that life is black and white. Things are either right or wrong, people are either good or bad. You’re either left wing or right wing. You’re either pro abortion or against it. You’re either a meat eater or a vegan. We leave no room for uncertainty, for mistakes, for fluidity, for change, for growth.
Fundamentalism is unhelpful. We all have the good inside of us, and we all have the bad, and nothing in this life is innately right or wrong. If I’m facing you, and there’s a globe between us, and we’re both asked to draw the world- our pictures will be very different.. but neither of us is wrong. Perspective shapes the way we see the world, and this is influenced by a lifetime of nature and nurture, by genetics, by lifestyle, by opportunities, by karma. The more I grow up, the more I realise we’re all on our own path, and any one dogmatic, fundamentalist view of the world or the way things “should be” is so absurd.
There is no one diet, no one way to exercise, there is no single linear path we should all walk like robots. In fact, the more fundamentalist our beliefs become, and the more polarised our world becomes, and the less we are able to accept our true selves. Think about it, the more you point the finger at someone else’s way of life as being “wrong”, the less room you give your self to make mistakes, to change your mind, to evolve! We slap on these titles like “liberal” or “vegan” and then get caught in this whirlwind of all-or-nothing-ness. We judge people who live differently than us and give no space to shed layers of what no longer serves us.
Life is fluid, it’s cyclical. Allow yourself to be what you are in that moment, and realise that those who pretend to know everything, typically know the least. So let’s take a collective deep breath, and give ourselves the space to simply be.
Swimming in the rock pools off of Maui, Hawaii.