11 Tips for Holistic Oral Health
Your mouth is gateway into your body, and offers incredible insight into your overall health. The habits you cultivate today will ensure you have a thriving relationship with your teeth, gums, and this is imperative for a thriving Body. See resources at the end of the article for a deeper dive into the mouth-body connection and the powerful impact of nutrition on oral health.
Bright white, strong, healthy teeth...brought to you by Mother Nature. Chemical teeth whiteners (like whitening strips and gels) work by removing a layer of enamel, they weaken teeth and introduce harmful chemicals into the mouth. Opt for regular oil pulling + an *occasional* brush with activated charcoal powder to pearly white's nice and bright.
The cheeks of your mouth, and the area under your tongue are extremely porous, and anything that sits in your mouth very quickly penetrates the skin and goes directly into the blood stream. This is why using all-natural products in your mouth is absolutely essential. You've surely seen labels like these warning not to swallow toothpastes and mouth washes, which is ludicrous considering your mouth absorbs whatever you put in it.. irrelevant of swallowing.
If something has a "do not swallow" warning label, KEEP IT OUT OF YOUR MOUTH ALL TOGETHER!
Ditch the chemical shitstorms and support your mouth with a combination of ancient rituals, natural products, and a proper diet. These 10 simple tips will get you started along the part of having a healthy (holistic) smile.
1-Don’t consume any food or water in the AM before brushing your teeth and scraping your tongue, it introduces unnecessary bacteria into your body.
2-Tongue scraping (prob my fav thing ever): use a copper scraper morning and night to properly clean your tongue (this one is a game changer if you've never done it).
3-Oil pulling is a majestic way to whiten your teeth naturally, it also pulls out toxins, and nourishes the teeth + gums (swish organic sesame or coco oil in mouth for 20 mins, spit out, and brush your teeth after).
4-You can add neem essential oil to your oil pull for extra cleaning/ whitening power (check out Living Libations link at the bottom of the article for some great gum-healing oils)
5-Ditch the conventional toothpaste, they are toxic shitstorms. opt fluoride and SLS free (I like the Earth Paste brand).
6-Also ditch the mouth wash, it’s poison. for a simple rinse use warm salt water.
7-Another great teeth whitener: be like Drake and brush with activated charcoal.
8- Electric toothbrush’s emit harmful nnEMFs, but honestly, they do a better job. If you’re going to sick to old fashioned non motorised brushing, make sure you learn how to brush safely (from the gum down). Whether you go electric or not, opting for soft bristles is the way to go to protect your teeth’s enamel.
9-A Waterpik- is an essential gadget. I have one next to the kitchen sink for easy use after meals. The night routine goes: floss, waterpik, brush, tongue scrape. The morning routine: tonge scrape, brush, waterpik.
10-Teeth are living organs and require proper nutrition; it’s not sugar alone that causes cavities, it’s the lack of nutrients that strengthen teeth; if your cavity prone, your probably deficient in fat-soluble vitamins A, D, K2, and E - all crucial for healthy teeth (shoutout to Weston A. Price).
11-Always breath through your nose, never though your mouth! the nitric oxide produced when air passes through the nose is vital to your body’s overall health, and impacts everything from how your jaw develops to how deeply you sleep.
Bonus Tip:
Living Libations carries the ultimate line of truly holistic dentistry products. From ozonated gum gels to remineralising tooth powders: Nadine Artemis (author of the Holistic Dental Care book) does not mess around with quality. The absolute best.
1. Nadine Artemis’ book “Holistic Dental Care”
2. Dr. Steven Lin’s “The Dental Diet”
3. Weston A Prices’ “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration”
1. Healthy Mom's Podcast: Using the Dental Diet to Reverse Dental Problems with Dr. Steven Lin
2. Daniel Vitalis' Rewild Yourself Podcast: Successful Self- Dentistry with Nadine Artemis CLICK HERE.
3. Healthy Mom's Podcast: The Oral Health Episode. CLICK HERE.
1. Successful Self-Dentistry in 8 Steps by Living Libations CLICK HERE.
2. Guide To Holistic Dentistry by the Weston A. Price Foundation CLICK HERE.
3. Diet in Relation to Dental Caries by the Weston A. Price Foundation CLICK HERE.