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Come catch up, check-in, and connect!

The purpose of a woman's circle is to decentralize power and heal through the mirror or sisterhood. The purpose of these circles is not to give advice but rather to listen to other women's stories and share our own.

The real power of this space is to liberate your voice and share things you’ve been otherwise storing in your body. All these stories, the shame, and any hardship that you’ve been through are lightened when you share your story in a safe space. By being held by other women also sharing their stories, we see ourselves in one another and begin to heal.

As always, you don’t need to prepare anything. Come as you are.

These calls are not recorded to protect the sacredness of the circle.

Sunday, April 14th 8-10 am Byron Bay time (GMT+11)

The circle runs from 8- 10 AM Byron Bay time; please make sure you can arrive on time (the door to entry close 10 minutes after the start time.)

Time zone conversions:

Saturday 13th 12pm -2pm Hawaii

Saturday 13th 3-5pm Los Angeles

Saturday 13th 5-7pm Texas

Saturday 13th 6-8pm Toronto

You can contact me at camille@becomingfullyhuman.ca if you have any questions.

All Sales are Final!

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