One of the Problems with the Health Industry

There are undoubtably an array of problems with the health industry (including a common angle of the ‘body positivity’ movement and ‘greenwashing’ tactics) but today I want to explore something that lies within all of us, and when left unchecked can manifest itself as a problem for our own personal growth and the benefit of those with whom we are trying to help.


“Archetypes are universal patterns of energy that reflect our collective human experience, transcending time, place, and even language. Appearing in many different forms—from the most heroic faces of our humanity to the darkest and more fearful—archetypes allow us to express and understand the storylines of our lives. Through them, we tell the tales of our tragedies and triumphs; our weaknesses and strengths; and the life lessons that are a part of our soul’s evolution. So when we are talking about shared patterns of thought, feeling, belief, or behavior, we are referring to archetypes.”



When it comes to identities, one very common if not universal archetype in the wellness industry is that of the saviour. The sense of moral duty that many of us share as purveyors of health, to help people feel better. We are the naturally incline caretakers, and this archetype encompasses a wide range of professions including: medical doctors, naturopaths, dieticians, chiropractors, psychotherapists, personal trainers, sexologist, physical therapists. All practitioners may share a different point of view when it comes to the method, but they share the will to help and heal. It also transcend working professions and can simply find solace in being the ‘go-to friend’ for advice, or the supportive parent.

This archetype relies on helping others for their own self-fulfilment. Their joy and achievement comes from saving other people, not their own individual merits.


In narratology and comparative mythology, the monomyth, or the hero's journey, is the common theme that tells the tale of a hero who goes on an adventure, faces adversity, wins a vistory, and then returns home a changed wo/man.

The hero’s journey is what drives many to return ‘home’ to share their findings, and help others. It is very common for those in the health industry to have found their profession due to their own ailments and overcoming: their own personal hero’s journey to health, and turning the subsequent wisdom into a career path, by helping others.

The hero’s journey is a path commonly walked by many many generations before us. Prior to the age of social media, people actually had to walk their own path before turning around to extend their newfound wisdom to others. In the age of technology, between instagram, podcasts, and even our access to a wide array or literature (books and online material): many people are no longer taking the time to cultivate their own wisdom.

Social media in particular has given everyone a platform in which to share just about anything. Monetisation of these platforms has turned everyone into a guru, and has enabled people to make a (rather lucrative) living off of very little experience. Someone can take a week-long course and pair that with a curated social media account and voilà: recipe for the modern guru.

Women with ‘blessed’ genetics are sharing affiliate links for products, getting kickbacks for promoting supplements that played little to no role in achieving their body. Their body often being the result of unsustainable and unhealthy practices. Young girls (and women) looking up to fitness models and thinking that if they buy their hair gummies or detox teas that they too can look like that.

Today we have to learn to distinguish from true healer’s, who have walked the walk, who have experienced the journey, from those who are glorified marketing tools being used by companies to sell their products.

Are you learning from a hero, or from someone who is simply parroting other people’s wisdom?

The thing about the hero’s journey is it requires an actual journey, an overcoming of something real that turns knowledge (information) into actual wisdom (knowledge+ experience). These days we have done a 180 from the problem of ‘imposture syndrome’ (whereby people feel unworthy of their platforms), to a place where people with no real wisdom to share are stepping into the spotlight and preaching fake news in the name of fame and wealth.

Power and greed are the drivers of all evils in our society. Our need to be recognised and amass wealth and material goods to prove our worth is destructive to all those involved, not only the ones buying into it but also those preaching it. There is nothing more self-limiting that operating purely from ego and shadow, it keeps us stunted and disconnected from our higher-self and true nature.

It is the healer’s duty to acknowledge their shadow,

and integrate the polarity of the saviour archetype. 

“The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either – but right through every human heart…even within hearts overwhelmed by evil, one small bridgehead of good is retained.”


In other words, no matter how beneficial your work, how Nobel your cause: there is always a lingering shadow seeking praise, acknowledgement, fuelling your ego, validating your sense of worth, feeding the needs of your wounded inner child. All light casts a shadow.


Ultimately, despite my observances above, I do rest in the ultimate belief that life is always unfolding in divine perfection, that everyone and everything serves its purpose in the tapestry of life. In this case, everyone is operating on a different vibration, each simply catering to a different degree of consciousness.

We gravitate towards those who can meet us where we are, and plant seeds for the degree of growth that we can handle at this moment, and in this lifetime. Not everyone has the capacity to face their own bullshit (trauma, etc) to the same degree, at the same speed. So although two therapists, for example, may offer very different advice, they both cater to a type of person’s wants, needs, and capacity to heal.

I don’t believe you need a degree to be a beacon of wisdom in any particular field. That’s not what this is about! The hero’s journey is not about a piece of paper (although sometimes the paper can indeed serve as a major catalyst for wisdom and facilitate the experiences needed to turn knowledge into wisdom). The key is walking the walk, and honouring that no matter how much wisdom you have amassed, that all shadow casts a light. Keeping your shadow in check, and tuning in with your true intention and abilities.


Health is a spectrum, wellness is a spectrum, and there will be someone to ‘help’ you no matter where you’re at in your journey. When I look at my own relationship to food, for example, to reach the place that I’m currently at I had to explore veganism, explore counting calories, explore counting macros. I followed the advice of body builders who ate measured portions of tilapia, chicken, sweet potato, and broccoli on repeat day in and day out. I explored the theories that demonised meat (veganism) and those that demonised vegetables (carnivore). The preachings that demonised grains and legumes (paleo). Only to reach a place that I’m currently in: a bioindivideal approach that is guided by me, for me.

The dogmas played a role in making me question my reality, and as I continued to explore this concept of diet with an open and curious mind over the years (through experience), I was able to transcend dogma and reach a place of wisdom when it comes to my body’s needs. 

So although now, I look at people who preach calorie counting and macro counting, and crazy dogmas and know that they are not the kind of teachers I seek in my life— they did play a role at one point in my journey. This is all ok, so long as you continue to evolve, seek, question, and grow.



You always will and always have been your own healer. Standing on shoulders of giants is paramount when it comes to learning and unlearning, but know that the goal will always be to humbly out-grow our teachers, while still remaining a student of life. No one has all the answers, especially when it comes to your own bioindivideal needs. Beware of anyone preaching an inflexible dogmatic solution. Beware of anyone preaching to have attained perfection. Seek out those who can call you out on your bullshit, and who are able to see their own shortcomings. Gravitate toward those who own up to their humanity, who don’t feel the need to project an image of grandeur and all-knowing. Who knows that all light casts a shadow. Who is there to support you with directions, not drive your car.

We often gravitate towards healers/ helpers that make us feel safe, that make us feel right. If you really truly want to grow: don’t be afraid to punch up and seek the wisdom from those who aren’t there to coddle you. Who compassionately can call you out on your own bullshit. Step into your power by slaying your ego, and the only way to do this is by not clinging to your ego/ shadow as your identity. Be aware of your shortcomings. Explore your childhood trauma. Learn to be open, share, and trust that life is there to support you. Our greatest pains can be platforms for the greatest growth, if we are willing to look in the mirror and see the good and the bad. Honour that they are both a part of who we are, and that by integrating them we can transcend the pain, the trauma, we can grow, we can heal.


Although every type of helper and healer plays a role for someone, your own greatest obstacle in this journey as a healer will undoubtably be your own ego. We have a tendency to project the image of the all-knowing when it comes to helping others. Especially in a world that is curated by social media, we can very easily put on the face of someone who knows all.

Be honest with yourself, with your limitations, with your own ego, and shadow. Anyone who taps into the saviour archetype has god complex swirling in their shadow. The healer who fails to acknowledge and manage the wounded aspects of their own psyche can quickly find themselves abusing their power.

Wisdom is cultivated through experience, not parroting someone else’s journey.

You will never know what is truly best for your client/ patient/ friend. You will always be the supporting actor in the film of someone else’s life. Whoever you’re trying to help is the lead in the story, they’re driving the car, they are in charge. The multidimensional aspects of healing the mind, body, and soul transcend even the most knowledgable human. Healing is bioindivideal, it transcends time and space, it comes through different generations and lifetimes.

Stay humble, stay grounded. We are all human. A self-proclaimed guru is no guru at all. In the wise words of Ice Cube: Check yo self before you wreck yo self ( …and others!)


A must read for all those looking to help or heal:

  • Power in the Helping Professions by Adolf Guggenbühl-Craig

    Although the book is slightly outdated, its message remains true. Guggenbuhl-Craig teaches analysts how to be aware of the subtle abuses of authority that can occur during therapy and counseling, something we all need to be reminded of as helpers and healers.

“As soon as we know ‘what’s best’ for our patient or student—we have in Guggenbuhl’s language ‘split the archetype.’ One of us is all-knowing and all-powerful, and the other is ignorant, neurotic and powerless.”

- John R. Haule 

Must reads for all those looking to heal:


101 Questions to Connect Deeply


Setting Boundaries and Cultivating Self-Worth